Volume: 09, 1995

The Great Hunger in New York - John Ridge

The Mooneys - Jeanne Robert Foster

A Lecture on the Antecedent Causes of the Irish Famine in 1847 - Right Rev. John Hughes, D.D.

Historical Treasures from the Vaults of Emigrant Savings Bank - New York Irish History Roundtable

Family History, Tracking Down Long-Lost Relatives - Betty (Elizabeth Caven-Wilhelm)

Famine Survivors, 1845-1855 - New York Irish History Roundtable

Introduction - Joe Doyle

The Escape of Fenian Prisoners from Fremantle in 1876 - John Teahan

The Great Hunger on the Internet - Gerald A. Regan

Jo Briggs and the American Gentleman - New York Irish History Roundtable

Volume: 12, 1998

Ethnic Cinema in Nickelodeon Era New York City - Patrick J. Mullins

Staten Island Irish - John T. Ridge

Pete McNultys Cousin - Terence Winch

Capital Punishment & the New York Irish - Marion R. Casey

Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore - John T. Ridge

Famine Relief from Brooklyn - Harvey Strum, Ph.D.

Paul O'Dwyer - New York Irish History Roundtable

Paul ODwyer, In His Own Words - Jane Muller

1998 Marks the Centennial of the Consolidation of Greater New York - New York Irish History Roundtable

Eulogy for Paul ODwyer - Frank Durkan

At Play in the City - William Geoghan And Frank Naughton

On the Streets of Park Slope - William Geoghan

In Memoriam - George Harrison

Between Yankee Stadium & Gaelic Park - Mary Clogston

The Irish in the Rockaways - Terrence Flynn, Sr.

Volume: 20, 2006

Denis O’Connor - Alfred Isacsson. O. Carm.

Remembering the Past - A Story of Murder - Maryanne Felter, Ph.D.

Big Tim Sullivan—King of the Bowery - Richard F. Welch, Ph.D.

Patrick Keely - Prince of Church Architecture - Patrick J. McNierney, P.E.

Fitz-James O’Brien - Michael Burke

Three Poems by Terence Winch - Terence Winch

Extracts—Selections from Primary Sources - New York Irish History Roundtable

Irish Town and Local Societies in New York - John T. Ridge

Volume: 23, 2009

New York and County Kerry, 1851–1930 - John T. Ridge

Organizing Transit - The Irish and the TWU - Eileen O'Donnell Sheehan Ginn

Irish Schoolmasters in Early New York City - Harry M. Dunkak, Ph.D., C.F.C

Michael McCarthy - The Family History of a Hero - Gavin Reilly, O.F.M. Cap.

The Brown-Robed Army - Alfred Isacsson, O.Carm.