Spring Excursion to Queens Calvary Cemetery, 3 June 1990
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In 1989 the Sligo Mens Association erected this new headstone at the grave of Michael Corcoran. His contemporary in the 69th Regiment, Michael Doheny, also has a new headstone in Calvary.
Barry Donovan begins to translate the Irish inscription on the Patriots Pbt marker: "This memorial is erected by the Clan na Gael to its leader William J. Melvin." Melvin died on 7 September 1883. I - • ••• . ' :- •' • a The founder of the famous nineteenth century Catholic publishing firm of D & J Sadlier is buried in Calvary. Denis Sadlier was born in Co. Tipperary in 1816 and began publishing in New York in 1837 with a monthly serial edition of Butler's Lives of the Saints. His brother James worked with him after 1860. The Sadlier company was recognized especially for its Scripture editions and for the Metropolitan Reader, a Catholic school text book. James Sadlier's wife, Mary Anne Madden, was a prolific author and is buried in another Calvary plot.
Sometimes there is more information from historical records to supplement weathered headstones like that of John Gray. NYIHR member Marion Casey came across John Gray while doing research. Gray was a native of Sligo who died of dysentry on 20 September 1862 at the age of 62. He lived at 90 Bayard Street and was a clerk with two sons, one of whom was a lawyer. He had purchased this four grave plot one year earlier. According to the New York County Probates, Gray wrote his will three days before his death and ordered that "a monument be erected without delay on the plot of ground owned by me in Calvary Cemetery and [I] do hereby give and bequeath the sum of $350 to (my) said executor to be by him expended in and about the erection of said monument and the enclosing of the said plot." $350 was more than the annual pay for the average laborer. 28 Photos courtesy of Trish Taylor and Marion Casey.